Home | Brands | Energreen Energreen Energreen manufactures professional forest cleaning and maintenance machines, characterized by their excellent performance, technological innovation, versatility and comfort. The Energreen equipment range is subdivided into 2 ranges: ROBO - Bush cleaning robots operated by remote control ILF - Self-propelled hydrostatic machines ideal for cleaning shoulders and other services related to the maintenance of green spaces. Show all Environment Rental RoboMINI 23 CV (17kW) Power 1000 mmCutting width 420 kg Weight RoboEVO 40 CV (27,5kW) Power 1300+600 mmCutting width 1200 kg Weight RoboFiFTI 50 CV (36 kW)Power 1300 mmCutting Wight 1220 kgWeight RoboMIDI 60 CV (44,7kW) Power 1500 - 1550 mmCutting width 1720 kg Weight RoboMAX 75 CV (55kW) Power 1480-1750 mmCutting width 2640 kg Weight RoboPLUS 100 CV (75 kW)Power 1750 mmCutting Widht 2700 kgWeight ILF KOMMUNAL 143 CV (105kW) Power 9 mArm lenght ILF ALPHA 173 CV (129kW) Power 12 mArm lenght ILF ATHENA 220 CV (160kW) Power 15 mArm lenght FORESTRY HEAD Consult the technical sheet of the product and contact us for more information. NEW SPEED Consult the technical sheet of the product and contact us for more information. CONVEYOR HEAD Consult the technical sheet of the product and contact us for more information. SAW BAR Consult the technical sheet of the product and contact us for more information. CUTTER BAR Consult the technical sheet of the product and contact us for more information. POWER SHEARS Consult the technical sheet of the product and contact us for more information. IRON BRUSH Consult the technical sheet of the product and contact us for more information. STUMP GRINDER Consult the technical sheet of the product and contact us for more information. EXTRA TRUNK Consult the technical sheet of the product and contact us for more information. TRUNK PINCERS Consult the technical sheet of the product and contact us for more information. FORC-ONE Consult the technical sheet of the product and contact us for more information. RIVER BUCKET Consult the technical sheet of the product and contact us for more information. DITCH BUCKET Consult the technical sheet of the product and contact us for more information. DITCH CLEANER Consult the technical sheet of the product and contact us for more information. BLOWER Consult the technical sheet of the product and contact us for more information. RAIBER DISCOVERY 840 Consult the technical sheet of the product and contact us for more information. ILF Kommunal F9 143 CV (105kW)Engine 9 mArm length